Abstrrkt Explorers - Early Access Update b0.9.16
·- New: Ability to link a Patreon account to unlock benefits.
- Changed: Soldiers are recruited and promoted in the next round.
- Changed: Help link points directly to the Discord server.
- Fixed: Disabling ads for one day via a rewarded ad sometimes does not work.
- New: The game is now available in Russian.
- New: Proper graphics for all viking buildings in campaign.
- Changed: Help link points to community subpage, which leads to the games Discord server.
- Fixed: Enemy buildings that cannot be reached by land can be attacked.
- Fixed: Captured enemy buildings of other tribes change architecture.
- Fixed: Broken game state when territory reaches edge of map.
- Fixed: When starting an expedition sometimes no possible directions are shown.
- Fixed: In some games many building graphics are missing.
- Fixed: Loading a game will fail when no camera settings are found.
- New: First batch of viking building graphics in campaign.
- Fixed: AI does not produce food on volcanic maps.
- Fixed: AI in campaign has buildings before first round when it should not.